For anyone who claims Valentine’s day would be an awful birthday, junior Evelyn Blakeman disagrees.
Blakeman, who has an interest in physics and attended an elite violin camp, is looking forward to her 17th birthday this Valentine’s Day.
Blakeman has no complaints that she celebrates two events on one day.
“Get this, you wake up and you’re like, ‘It’s Valentine’s Day!’… but it’s also your birthday! What’s better than that?” Blakeman said.
Blakeman has too many memories to choose a single favorite.
“I went roller skating once, it was pretty fun,” Blakeman said. “Oh, and my 14th party was my wildest middle school experience. All my friends were there; we had a dance party and it was my golden birthday. I turned 14 in 2014 on February 14th. Can’t do that twice.”
February 14 holds more charm for special occasions than most school time birthdays. It always is a four-day weekend.
“It’s like a present from the school. Definitely one of my favorite presents,” Blakeman said, “I also get a lot of candy,”