Today is National College Decision Day and students face the decision of a lifetime. While everyone has their own preference in where they continue their education over the next four years, in 2019 an overwhelming number of students favored the following ten colleges compared to others in Ohio.
Ohio State University Newark Campus

The Ohio State University at Newark campus is an immensely popular choice for students who want to attend OSU without the cost and with easy access to the education presented at OSU.
“It’s close to home so it provides me with a good opportunity to dip my toes into college while still obtaining a job and getting all my school work done. All the professors are extremely nice and accommodating,” OSUN freshman Josie DeCaro said.
Furthermore, students who attend OSUN tend to share the same love for OSU sports and are given the same perks as students who go to OSU main campus. These students can also be apart of Greek life and majority of activities the students who live on campus can enjoy.
The easy commute from Granville to the campus makes OSUN the a great college choice for the majority of students who want to stay home. According to Naviance 2019 reports, 30 students applied to the university and 27 enrolled.
Ohio State University

The Ohio State University (main) is a popular choice among those who have cheered on the Buckeyes for most of their lives. Furthermore, it is a smart choice for those who crave a bigger atmosphere than what they have experienced in Granville.
“Despite it being an urban campus, it is pretty contained so I get the campus feel while also having the opportunity to explore the greater Columbus area,” OSU freshman Chloe Mulford said.
The sports teams have clearly made itself known within Ohio and the rest of the country, which is extremely important to many students and continues to keep the applications rolling in. The athletics are not the only thing that OSU is known for, their academic reputation is very strong.
“Everyone knows Ohio State, be it through the Buckeyes or just for their strong academic reputation so I knew I would be able to use that to my advantage and be exposed to so many unique opportunities and connections,” Mulford said.
According to Naviance 2019 reports, 75 students applied to the university and 18 enrolled.
Ohio University

Located in Athens, Ohio University is popular college choice for GHS students. Athens is only an hour and a half away from home, a distance that allows students to get away from mom and dad while still having easy access to return at leisure.
Students also appreciate the community feel at Ohio University. “I have received a lot of support and a sense of community with people of all different backgrounds,” OU freshman Stephanie Jasinski said.
This campus is one majoirty of students love. “The campus is beautiful and Court Street is always a great way to end the night with friends,” Jasinski said.
According to Naviance 2019 reports, 58 students applied to the university and 14 enrolled.
Miami University

Known as the “public ivy” of Ohio colleges, Miami University is located in the small town of Oxford. This small town aspect competes with that of Ohio University, whcih is very fitting considering these schools are rivals in athletics.
Furthermore, the hometown vibe attracts many students, “What makes this University so appealing to me is the idea that it replicates the small town feel seen here in Granville,” said Trevor Crumley, senior considering Miami University.
This feeling has obviously attracted many students in the past few years. According to Naviance 2019 reports, 48 students applied to the university and 11 enrolled.
University of Cincinnati

One of the biggest cities in Ohio is bound to attract many students due to the endless companies and bigger community that University of Cincinnati brings. The city life style is something that many students from a small town end up craving after being cooped up in the “Granville bubble.”
“Cinci is known for their co-op programs that are bound to offer me the perfect gateway into a career,” said Crumley.
These programs attract many students and keep many interested in this city school. According to Naviance 2019 reports, 56 students applied to the university and 10 enrolled.
Bowling Green State University

Located in Bowling Green, Ohio, BGSU is a school in which numerous students attend. The campus is the beautiful home to 19,000 students on average.
“BG’s campus has a feel that is simmilar to Granville. I chose it because the second I stepped on the campus it felt like my hometown and that I’ve always lived there,” said senior Abigial Burkholder, who has already committed.
Many schools offer the feel simmilar to that of a small town, however, BGSU’s programs keep students interested. According to Naviance 2019 reports, 19 students applied to the university and 7 enrolled.
Otterbein University

Otterbein is a private institution located in Westerville. The quick drive from Granville keeps students feeling like they are separated from the small town, while giving them the opportunity to get home quickly.
Otterbein also offers great opportunities to those who want to pursue academics and athletics.
“Otterbein is a good fit for me because I am able to play soccer and get a good education at the same time,” said senior Otterbein Megan Mathers, who will pay soccer there next fall.
They also offer numerous opportunities outside of the campus.
“I want to be a nurse and they have a passing rate of 99% coming out of the program. They also do clinicals at children’s hospital which is where I want to end up,” Mathers said.
According to Naviance 2019 reports, 19 students applied to the university and 6 enrolled.
Kent State University

Kent State is just over two hours from Granville and is becoming more of a popular choice for students. Kent State offers numerous prestigious programs. According to their website their fashion design and merchandise program is ranked 2nd in the U.S. overall.
The campus exposes students to the interesting students and staff, according to future fashion student Morgan Roof.
Kent State also has an active downtown aspect to the campus that draws in students.
“There is so much to do it immediately felt like home,” future Kent student Madie Menz said.
According to Naviance 2019 reports, 25 students applied to the university and 4 enrolled.
Denison University

For those not interested in leaving home have access to the prestigious education that Denison University offers. Dension is located in the town of Granville and some students parents work there. This might explain an increase is Denison students as those students who have parents on the staff have access to discounted tuition.
Some may not be inclicned to go to Denison due to it’s loacation, however, for students like Frances Goodwin this was a non-issue.
“I hadn’t considered Denison before becuase of how close it was to Granville but after I toured it I realized that Denison was where I wanted to go no matter how close to home it was,” said future student Frances Goodwin.
The hilly campus also provides great scenery of Granville, attracting many students.
“I love the campus atmosphere” said Goodwin.
According to Naviance 2019 reports, 11 students applied to the university and 4 enrolled.
Capital University

Capital University is another private school located in Columbus. Recently, many students have been trading in their navy for purple and have decided to continue their education at this school. Being so close to home allows students the ability to commute to campus their first year, eliminating the cost fo room and board from their check.
Furthermore, the professors within many programs attract students.
“The professors in the nursing program are extremely kind and I immediatley felt a connection to them and the campus when I visited,” said senior Hannah Brockway, who will attend fall.
According to Naviance 2019 reports, 15 students applied to the university and 3 enrolled.