As you get farther along in high school, it becomes easier to kind of customize your classes to what you really enjoy. By the time you reach your senior year, the only thing most people really have to take is an english class and maybe a math class. This means many people will have a lot of open periods to fill with whatever they want. This list is a guide to the best classes to take at GHS.

AP Biology

AP Biology is by far the best class to take at the high school. A step up from either regular biology or advanced biology, AP Biology dives deeper into concepts introduced by the earlier classes. A tough course load is made much more manageable by Mr. Levine, who teaches it. Many students pop in every now and then even after they have finished the class, just to hang out with Mr. Levine and talk about all things science. “It was my favorite class last year and I still come in here all the time because I am so invested in it,” senior Layton Rosen said. For anyone who enjoys science or is planning on pursuing science-related careers and majors, this class is a must.

Forensics is currently a senior only class, classified as a elective science class. It is one of the most stress free classes for seniors to take, and that is part of the reason why it earns the second spot on this list. The other reason for this is that it is incredibly interesting, and opens students up to a lot of potential career paths. Mrs. Hoover is the forensics teacher and she is one of the sweetest people to have as a teacher. She keeps students engaged by doing labs frequently and she makes sure everyone understands the material before moving forward.
AP Environmental Sciences

With climate change becoming a bigger issue by the day, and governments failing to take real action against it, AP Environmental sciences is one of those classes students just have to take. It addresses the issues that the environment and world face today without being political. There are a lot of projects in the class and opportunities to do things outside of the classroom, making it a very engaging and different class than many offered at the school. Mr. Reding is extremely knowledgeable in the field and his passion for the environment is contagious.

Journalism is an elective class, and is highly recommended by almost everyone who takes it. While at times it is more stressful than the ordinary elective class, it really pushes students to be the best journalists they can be. This class is one that will really help students long after they finish taking it. From making a portfolio, to knowing how to design layouts, and take better photos, journalism puts students in a good position for college or a career. Mrs. Tolbert is the teacher and she is excellent at what she does. She also is the type of teacher that will get to know you personally and is willing to help students out with anything.

Government is a social studies class offered at GHS. It is typically taken in junior year and is a well rounded class. Learning about America’s own government system is so important as students approach the age where they can vote. The class is well designed so students are able to hear about all sides of the political spectrum. Mr. Wait and Mr. Hopping teach government. It is a required class, but both AP government and regular government are great classes.
Art 1

Art 1 is a very relaxing class to take as an elective. It teaches students the basics and also pushes them to become better as they progress through the year. Everything you learn comes together once you reach the end of the course. Having basic art skills is very important for projects in other classes, so this class reaches farther than most.
Physics and Astronomy

Physics and Astronomy is one of the most interactive classes offered at the school. It is heavily based around major projects and Mr. Bait is an extremely engaging teacher and . From late night stargazing observations to the house project, he is always there to help you understand the concepts and make learning fun. As he always said, its always “for the kids”.
Sports Medicine

One of the best classes for athletes to take, sports medicine is a very popular elective at GHS. It involves aspects learned in health and is a good way to be introduced to potential career options. This class is good for people who don’t like to just sit and be lectured. It is a very dynamic class and students do a little bit of everything. Mrs. Worrall is the teacher and she is one of the most fun and welcoming teachers to have at the high school.

Statistics is a math class, typically taken by upperclassmen. Many people who aren’t exactly math inclined do well in this class as it is different from the regular math track classes such as Algebra and Geometry. Mr. Hull is the teacher and he is extremely helpful for when students get stuck or don’t understand a concept.

Drama is a fun elective class and many people take it to be more involved in the theater department. It counts as an art credit, so if visual arts aren’t their thing, performing arts may be the best option. Taking drama also is a good way for students to get out of their comfort zone a little, as small performances, plays, and skits are done in the class.