Every day, nearly every student in the high school will use a school-provided computer. Every day, nearly 100 percent of these users will complain about a school-provided computer. Complaints of incredibly long log-on times, slow internet speeds, missing keys on the keyboard, dead batteries, never ending “install software” messages from Microsoft Office, and every other imaginable thing that could potentially go wrong with a mobile computer emanate from classrooms throughout the building.
It is time that the school steps up and fixes the problem. I know there have been some efforts by the school board to replace older computer models, but the problem has not been fixed. If anything, the “high-tech” Windows 8 has slowed down students even more than before.
The new operating system takes several minutes to boot up even before login, and then many more minutes to “prepare the desktop” (whatever that means). This drastically affects students and teachers alike.
As the high school becomes incredibly more Internet-friendly with the launch of programs like MyCloud and My Big Campus, students are turning to computers more than ever before. When access to these sites is hindered, students cannot promptly finish assignments or quizzes in class or during study hall.
Long delays have an impact on teachers as well. Every class period lasts only 50 minutes, and when 15 of these minutes are taken getting every student on the same webpage, it greatly alters the teachers’ weekly plan, and could also contribute to larger amounts of homework given for students.
The solution is quite simple. Over the next few years, the school needs to transition from the PC to the Apple computer. These computers are virus-free, faster, and more productive than their Dell counterparts. Virtually all students own some type of Apple product, so the learning curve on the mobile computers will be very small.
Yes, it is expensive, but in terms of productivity and learning, the money is only a drop in the bucket. With reliable recycling programs, and educationally discounted computers provided by Apple, the project is very doable. It may take several years, but the transition is necessary.
It is time the school board recognizes what many colleges and high schools already have. PCs are not reliable when it comes to constant use and time-efficiency.
Let’s end the complaining. Let’s get new computers.