The runner’s guide to training in Granville

Madeline Barket

If you are an aspiring runner or just want to get in shape for the summer, look no further. Granville has some of the best places to run in Ohio, and finding a good place to run can be critical to the success of your workout. This guide will include everything runners need to have the best running experience possible.

If you are an aspiring runner or just want to get in shape for the summer, look no further. Granville has some of the best places to run in Ohio, and finding a good place to run can be critical to the success of your workout. This guide will include everything you need to have the best running experience possible.

Best Hill Workout: Ebaugh Drive

As hard as they are, they are very beneficial to sprinting form.

“Even though hills hurt in the moment, they help you in the long run (pun intended) by increasing stamina and improving your form,” state champion Keshan Bonner said.

One of the best hills to do these types of workouts is located in Denison University on Ebaugh Drive. This hill is steep, which will be perfect for helping sprinters get their weight forward while running. Even though this hill is normally run by sprinters, this is also a great addition to a distance workout, if you are looking for an extra burn or a form workout. 

Best Flat Surface Workout: Granville-Newark Road

Running on flat surfaces allows runners to focus more on their pace and not their surroundings. The trail along Granville-Newark road has around 1.25 miles of flat surface that is perfect for a nice jog or tempo run to help tip your toes into the running world.

“The sidewalk can be perfect for people who are a bit more clumsy than others since you don’t have to worry about tripping on a root, or dogging a tree,” avid speed walker Ruby Nelson said.

Best Recovery Workout: Brynn Du Fields

When you are looking for a recovery day or are recovering from an injury, one of the best things you can do is run on soft flat ground. Brynn Du is just a few miles away from the village and is perfect for your recovery needs. The vast majority of Brynn Du is well kept grass in front of the mansion. This large area will be your best friend as you work on regaining strength and preventing injury.

“Even though I hate distance, running on the Brynn Du fields isn’t that bad because of the well kept landscape they provide,” junior Danielle Varasso said. 

There are also occasional cross country meets there in the summer if you are more on the competitive side. Additionally if you are looking for a little extra kick in your workout, there are a wide range of different hill choices behind the mansion. 

Best Scenery: Raccoon Creek Park

Although most known for its recreational fields for sports like soccer and baseball,  Raccoon Creek Park can be an excellent place to run. Its luscious grass will fulfill your running needs, specifically for those who may need extra recovery. The landscape is perfect for group running or running practices, because of the many fields available to use for dynamic warm ups, group activities, or short sprints on a soft service.

In addition to all of this, Raccoon Creek Park is located near River Road coffee shop, which is a perfect caffeine “pick-me-up” that you may need after a long workout. 

Best Distance Workout: Land Lab

For all the distance runners out there, one of the best places to get in a good workout is the Land Lab. Running for long periods of time can get pretty boring after a while, but the beautiful scenery that the Land Lab holds makes the run all more enjoyable.

“The Land Lab is one of the first places I started seriously running, and I always loved how secluded it felt from everyone,” sophomore Abby Sanders said. 

The Land Lab is far out from town enough that you get a nice and private area to run without having to be in the woods. Sometimes the Land Lab can have a few divots or holes in the quaint paths, so make sure that you are careful of where you step. Running here can help you turn your hard workout into an enjoyable hobby with its picturesque terrain. 

Best Relaxed Workout: Pearl Street

Lastly, Pearl Street is yet another good place for running. This road is more windy and quite steep so if you’re aiming for a slower pace or walk in your workout this is the place to go. You will find that many people like this road for walking or running, so don’t be surprised when you see a familiar face. 

Hopefully this guide will help you jumpstart your running routine with some different places to run other than your neighborhood. The map linked below has all the locations mentioned, so that you can easily find them. Safe running!