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Club fair to promote school spirit

Members of the L Squad are busy prepping for Friday's Club Fair. PHOTO BY GRACE MONTGOMERY
Members of the L Squad are busy prepping for Friday’s Club Fair. PHOTO BY GRACE MONTGOMERY


The L Squad is promoting school spirit and connectedness through a club fair on Sept. 4. The event is taking place out on the football field from 1:30 to 2:40.

The L Squad, a group of sophomore and senior students, suggested the event after attending a leadership event last year.

Ms. Cooper, a co-adviser, said the students chose to create the club fair to promote connectedness, school spirit and respect.

“We hope to kick off the energy for the school year,” Cooper said. Mrs. Worrall is the other co-adviser.

At the club fair there are snacks, water, music and games, along with the club booths for students to enjoy. The L Squad will also have raffle drawings at the end of the day.

“We are trying to keep kids from leaving, especially seniors, and keep them engaged the whole time,” Cooper said. “We are hoping seniors will take pride in staying to show connectedness with the rest of the school.”

After this event the L Squad will be busy. Ms. Cooper said they are planning to start a late arrival pancake breakfast once a month in order to promote bonding. There are also ideas of service initiatives and end of year celebrations to incorporate the core themes of congruence and respect.

The leadership event the L Squad attended last spring, called the Licking County Leaders Summit, gave the high school a stipend of $250 to create a project that will help their community.

“It is just really crazy that you bring in freshmen and juniors into the same room and they all agreed on the same theme,” Cooper said. “Connectedness, school spirit, and mutual respect are the themes. It is really sweet.”

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