Rewards of Risk
In Risk, players compete to take over the world in this game of strategy conquest.
April 22, 2022
For years, board games have come and gone, but there has always been one that has always been a favorite for all people. That game is Risk.
“Risk” is a board game that involves war and conquering territory to try to win. “Risk” has gone through generations of families, dating back to 1957. “Risk” was invented by Albert Lamorisse and has become one of the best-selling games in the world.
The thing that stands out about “Risk” is the intensity of the game. In the beginning, all players are given territories and troops to get the match going. The players take those troops and attack other players’ territory through the battle of dice with the highest number. A lot of times, this game is the art of alliances. It is not really in the rule book of the game, but alliances add a sense of pride to the gameplay.
The reason people have always played Risk and continue to do so is the family aspect of it. Families gather around a table and play for hours. Most games take 3-4 hours, so be prepared to be committed, but this leads to family bonding like nothing else.
While some may say that the game is too difficult for young kids, “Risk” adds the strategy factor for older kids and adults. Players can use their strategy and mindset to win the game.
One game that people believe is better is “Monopoly,” but “Risk” adds the time commitment aspect to the game. Risk takes more strategy and skill to win. There is more thought behind every move, unlike Monopoly where each move you make you can always come back from.
“Risk” brings back nostalgia for older players is the reason they keep coming back. To get that feeling like they are a kid again playing for fun. “Risk” is a timeless game that keeps people returning for years.