Why Fall is the Best Season

Lydia Sturgeon, BluePrints Staff

When fall comes around, the sweaters come back out from their boxes and the Halloween traditions fill our minds like the sweet pumpkin spice drinks fill the cups. There is nothing better than the temperature of fall, a perfect mix of a warm but cloudy day with a cool, crisp breeze. Bath and Body Works gets taken over by fall scents. Anywhere from a pumpkin pecan waffles scent to a delicious apple cinnamon scent. This season’s beauty and temperature are unmatched compared to scorching hot summers and dry numbing winters. The changing leaves seem to bring the forest ablaze with their array of bright shades of orange, yellow, and red.

With all of these fantastic fall characteristics, how could anyone choose any other season as their favorite?

With the winter holidays or the summer vacations, some people hate fall because they think there’s not much to it. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

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There are so many traditions that take place during fall that do not get the credit they deserve.  While Christmas is a cheery time and summer is relaxed, those seasons just do not have everything fall has to offer.

There is always something to do within the months of September, October, and November. 

Unlike winter where you have to dress in a puffy coat and a pair of boots just to go outside, in fall all you need is a sweatshirt and you’re good to go. The breeze makes a perfect temperature for the comfiest clothes. 

In the fall, pumpkin spice makes its annual comeback.  Not only in Starbucks drinks but also in pretty much any food you can imagine; pancakes, pudding, marshmallows, cream cheese, goldfish… this list goes on. Too far? This is something many people look forward to when mid-September hits. For some, it declares the start of fall.

Halloween is a major part of fall. Trick-or-treating is a tradition everyone should have experience with. Kids pick out their costumes in anticipation of the night they go out in hopes to get the biggest bag of candy possible. All of the Halloween rituals like the classic scary movies, sweet candy corn, and various seasonal decorations sets fall ahead.

The delicious smell of apple pie is unmatched and thanks to the fall candle collection offered at pretty much every convenience store, you can get that smell at the strike of a match. However, candles don’t bring the taste of homemade crust with a sweet filling. The great fall activity of apple picking can guarantee that delicious taste.

Athletes and sports fans are particularly preoccupied in the fall as football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, and more all take place in the fall. A football game is always a fun activity that makes the season of fall more enjoyable.

The beauty fall brings is definitely something to be praised. There has never been a better time for a hike. The leaves display their bright, changing colors before calmly fluttering to the ground. Then, they are swept into a pile which becomes the site of happy and energetic little kids as they jump into the soft gift of the fall season.

Many people love Fall for the pumpkin spice-flavored everything while some love it for its perfect temperature. Either way, every year fall brings a joy that summer, spring, and winter does not. With Halloween traditions and countless sporting events, Fall has something for everyone to enjoy.