Teenage sports betting

Izzy Lauffer

Disclaimer: All names mentioned within this story have been changed

Ohio Sports betting became legal on Jan. 1, 2023. Anyone over the age of 21 is able to sign up for any mobile betting app and begin wagering away that day. However, this age limit isn’t a robust barrier. Teenagers have leaked into the sports betting market. Whether they have fallen victim to the nonstop advertising or looking for a simple adrenaline hook, a new era of gambling addictions has been born.

Teenagers within Granville Schools aren’t excluded from the dangerous cycle of gambling, but its start seems to come from an interesting origin. Ben said it was his dad who supported his entrance into sports betting. Only starting last November, both Ben’s parents know about the activity on the apps. 

“It’s fun and my dad does it with me,” said Ben. However, they aren’t the only ones participating. Other friends of theirs have also joined in on the fun and not always with their parent’s knowledge.

This hobby, as some might call it, isn’t always without success.  Richard has found positive sums within the platform. 

“My first time ever betting I made 20 bucks off a Hawaii basketball game,” Richard said. 

The success stories only skyrocket from there. “I did a 6 leg parlay that won me 370 bucks,” said Ben 

But, what comes up must come down, as both juniors have also experienced some pretty serious losses. Ben lost $250 in a single bet, and up to $500 in one week. 

“The Ravens lost to the Jaguars on a two-point conversion in overtime. I lost a 6 leg parlay, the payout was like 70 bucks,” said Richard. 

Hindsight must be 20/20. While Ben claims he “makes more, of course,” Richard says he finds himself losing more often.

The real question becomes why bet in the first place and what’s so enjoyable about this experience? Oscar, who is friends with both juniors, seems to have the answers. “I think it’s fun to watch the games and I think making money off the games is fun also. It gives you something extra to cheer for in the game,” said the student. 

Oscar claims they aren’t the only one taking part in this process as all of their friends are betting too. “I think it’s a healthy addiction. I think you can make money out of it and it’s really entertaining, so I think it’s healthy.”