The month of February is a leap from the bleakness of January into a colorful collage of candy, cards and flowers. For years, Valentine’s Day has been widely celebrated in the US, but many people don’t know how the holiday came to be.
The exact history of Valentines Day still remains a bit of a mystery as the exact identity of Saint Valentine is unknown. The Catholic church recognizes three saints with the name Valentine or Valentinus, all three of which were martyred.
One version of the story depicts Saint Valentine as a priest who served during the third century in Rome. During this time however, it is said that the Roman emperor Claudius II had decided that married men were not as fit to be soldiers, and thus, he outlawed marriage. Valentine had viewed this as an act of serious injustice and continued performing marriages, defying the emperor’s rule. Upon Claudius’s discovery of Valentine’s defiance, he ordered that the priest be put to death
Other versions of the story tell that the holiday celebrates Saint Valentine of Terni, a bishop who was also beheaded by Claudius II, or that he was killed for helping Christians escape from Roman prisons where they would often face brutal punishments.
The reason as to why Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February is also unknown. Some believe its to commemorate the day Saint Valentine died or was buried, but others believe that the Christian church placed it in the middle of the month to “Christianize” the pagan ritual of Lupercalia, a festival dedicated the the Roman god of agriculture, as well as Romulus and Remus
Though Valentine’s celebrations date back centuries, written Valentines appeared much further down the line. The first known Valentine was written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in London.
Today Valentine’s Day is celebrated primarily in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, France and Mexico after it began being popularly celebrated in the 17th century.
Advancements in print technology also contributed to a rise in popularity as pre-made cards and letters made for a more convenient way to celebrate.
So with that, go make a card, pick some flowers or bake a sweet treat for someone you love to keep the Holiday traditions going.