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Students try to poll their way to popularity

Students try to poll their way to popularity


Everyone who goes to Granville has seen all the social accounts students made throughout the years to typically call out their fellow students. In the past there have been many twitter accounts, and a few Instagram accounts. One I can think of in particular that got shut down time and time again is an Instagram account dedicated to posting pictures students sent in of two people, either previous or current students of GHS and the account would post it tagging the two people.

As far as I, and many other people look at the account and it’s intentions are not that they are not meant to be mean, but are most posts taken wrongly by the person the post is about and seen as mean. Most owners take down posts when a student requests it to be taken down but by then many people have seen it and most likely have a screenshot to remember.

These accounts post whatever is sent in from other students hoping people find it funny. Both the owner of the account and who sent in the posts are anonymous. There are many rumors floating around as to who created what account, but they are just all rumors and no one knows for sure.

About 50% of the school thinks the accounts are funny and entertaining, the other 50% feels the accounts are dumb, rude, or just a waste of time to concern themselves with.

Recently an account that has surfaced was made to take polls on the schools of Licking County. There are other accounts out there specific to the school and the students in it, but this is just the schools in Licking County as a whole.

As opposed to the other accounts these are very general topics, and most people in Granville don’t even care about the account. Also because you can only offer four answer options not every school makes it into each poll.

Here are some screenshots of the polls taken:

Below is a poll about your opinion on these accounts:

[polldaddy poll=”9296465″]

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