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Meet the student body presidential candidates

Meet the student body presidential candidates



Why are you running for student body president?

“I believe we need someone in power who is willing to do whatever they have to do to get the job done. I’m not Will Sharp, I’m not Justin Thompson, but I think I bring more to the table than those two combined, in terms of working hard and really having a passion for what I’m doing, and a passion for serving my people.”

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Staff photo by Morgan Prachar

Why are your qualified to be student body president?

“I’m a student, and frankly, I believe that I have more of an insight into the average Granville student that the other candidates.”

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

“Well, for one, I don’t wear Vineyard Vines every day. That, and I’m not running because my mom told me to run, and I’m not running because I have had a monopoly running unopposed for the last 4 years of high school. I’m running, because I care about the job at hand.”

What is your plan if you become Student Body President?

“I plan to make the student body more involved in how things get done in Granville. I believe that the average Granville student doesn’t care about anything that happens in Student council. Because 1) they don’t care and 2) they are not energetic about it. If I can get them energetic and passionate about it, maybe they might care more about the issues happening at Granville.”


Why are you running for student body president?

“I’m running because I feel that there are a lot of things that the student body wants and don’t know how to express it, and I’m here to be a representative, and to express to the higher levels of the school what they want and what they feel they need.”

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Staff photo by Anna Minton

Why are your qualified to be student body president?

“I’m an effective leader, I am a good communicator. I’m not shy, I’m honest, and I’m not afraid to fight to get what we need or want.”

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

“I know how to be serious and humorous at the same time, and I am the only girl running. And I’ll probably have the best campaign posters.”

What is your plan if you become Student Body President?

“The biggest thing is the way that the school communicates with the students, and how they express different events that are going on, and the lack of support of each other, with the drama department and the athletic department, mainly working on the communication.”



Why are you running for student body president?

“I just thought it would be something very interesting, and something I could do to get involved more with the school.”

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Staff photo by Morgan Prachar

Why are your qualified to be student body president?

“I feel like I know that I’m really responsible and that I can do a lot of things, and I feel like in order to push myself to get something done at this school, I feel like I should run for student body president.”

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

“I myself am a very determined person, and that I feel that with the people that I know… I know some sophomores, and they’re very fun to be with, and they are running their own campaigns, and doing their own things, and I feel like I can connect with people pretty well, so I think that sets me apart from the other candidates.”

What is your plan if you become Student Body President?

“First thing I’m going to do… I feel like I’m going to change some stuff up. First thing I want to do is change the Club Fair, I feel like we could’ve get other people more involved. I really want to get clubs connected together, and make a schedule to get people together and figure out what events they have, and have meetings so that if people are interested, they can always figure out a time to go there.”


Why are you running for student body president?

“I just want to be a voice for the school, and really help every kid, including teachers and staff, and help them have a good relationship to promote change in the school.”

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Staff photo by Anna Minton

Why are your qualified to be student body president?

“I’ve been in student government basically my entire career at Granville High School. I’ve been captain of multiple teams, and I think I possess good leadership qualities like communication and leading by example.”

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

“I have experience, and I really know a lot of different groups of people. I can connect with different people for different reasons, for clubs and sports. I’m really a supporter of the school.”

What is your plan if you become Student Body President?

“My plan of action would be to set up a firm relationship with Mr. Durst and Mr. Carpenter, so that we have the most change that we can make. I’m going to talk to students, talk to everyone about what they want, do different polls online and through various programs and just really voice the school. One major thing that I want to do is have music in the hallways on Fridays, voted on by students, and trying to unblock a few of the social media sites for student educational purposes, and just try to increase school spirit.”


Why are you running for student body president?

“I’ve been at this school for a while, you know. I was born here, I went to kindergarten here, went to preschool here, I’m a blue ace through and through. And frankly, I’m kind of sick of seeing the same people run for political positions every year, often unopposed. So, I think I present an enticing alternative to the norm.”

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Staff photo by Anna Minton

What is your plan if you become Student Body President?

“”First thing I’m going to do… Well first thing I’m going to do is celebrate. I’m going to thank everyone who voted for me. I’m a man of the people, so really that’s what I’m going to do. You know, I think I’ll figure it out as I go along, really. My first course of action will be … well, school spirit is a big platform that I’m running on. I think that our school spirit is low… to put it bluntly, I think it sucks. I don’t think anyone comes out to any of the games, and I’m going to get people out to the games. That’s going to be something big… you know, get people excited about Granville again. We’re going to revitalize this school.”

Why are your qualified to be student body president?

“Well I’ll admit, I don’t have… any formal qualifications. I’ve never served in student council, or anything like that. But I’ll tell you this; I feel like I’ve forged bonds with nearly all my peers, and my maturity will allow me to tackle the most difficult of problems with vigor.”

What sets you apart from the other candidates?

“Well, I’m a political outsider. I have fresh ideas, and I have new ways to approach problems. Will Sharp has been engrained in Granville’s politics for years. And Daniel is a political outsider, I’ll give him that. But frankly, I think he’s a bit untrustworthy, and I believe myself to be a better face for the school. I just don’t believe him to be student body president material.”

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