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Nobody knows that… 2016 Senior Class Edition Quiz

Nobody knows that... 2016 Senior Class Edition Quiz


Nobody knows that… Senior Class of 2016

Nobody knows that Tommy Mills has watched 3 seasons of…

Dance Moms

Gossip Girl

Naked and Afraid

Hell’s Kitchen

Nobody knows that Alex Schultz met…

Bradly Cooper

Nicki Minaj

Kristen Stewart

Miley Cyrus

Nobody knows that Anna Moorehead has always wanted to…

Photograph a wedding

Go to the Louvre

Meet a famous artist

Do grafitti in New York

True or False: Zac Larussa is taller than 5 feet

True he is 5 foot 5

False he is 4 foot 9

Nobody knows that Sarah Gabel is in love with…

Morgan Freeman

Bernie Sanders

Harrison Ford

David Lettermen

Nobody knows that Isabella Palmisano uses_____ as her name when she meets strangers





Nobody knows that Michael Doran is…

The great grandson to the new guy who sells Kentucky Fried Chicken

Mr. Whitman’s nephew

Second cousin twice removed to Joey Bosa

UPS man’s son

Nobody knows that Sarah Charlton knows all the words in…

Wicked the musical


Newsies the Musical

Lion King

Nobody knows that Laney Naille has…

a gray streak of hair, like Ana in the movie Frozen

a famous relative… think Hunger Games girl on fire

an obsession with Nascar driving

seen the movie Beauty and the Beast about 32 times

Nobody knows that Tom Fowler’s favorite food is…

a fish filet at McDonald’s, extra crispy with extra mayo

the tears of his enemies

the crispy corners of a stouffer’s mac and cheese dish

Holographic meatlof

Nobody knows that Caleb Browne has eaten…

Octupus ink

Cow Brain


Fried worms

Nobody knows that Clay Huber wishes…

Harry and Hermione ended up together

the school did High School Musical for the spring musical

he was a true blonde instead of dirty blond

to see twenty one pilots live

Nobody knows that Tyler Keenan was….

Lived in a tiny house for the first four years of his life… tiny house nation!

born in Texas

raised Amish

born in England

Nobody knows that Carrie Lowery…

is a brown belt in karate

owns probably the biggest collection of rubber ducks (214 to be exact)

loves the color orange

has ridden in a hot air balloon 5 times

Nobody knows Drew Maxwell loves…

Taylor Swift



Lady Gaga

Nobody knows that Mikayla Morrison….

actually loves the hot lunches

would sit under the hand driers to get warm

has eaten 13 pieces of gum at the same time

loves the movie Rugrats in Paris

Nobody knows that Megan Mraz is allergic to…


Mr. Durst



Nobody knows that Arel Neuenschwander wants to…

be a Disney Princess one day

be retweeted by Beyonce

learn Yiddish

climb Everest

Nobody knows that Will Nock….

wants to study Pre-Law

was raised by a pack of mountain goats

is the the nephew 3 times removed of Donald Trump

eats bologna sandwiches for breakfast almost every day

True or False: Hailey Rizor is 54.

True she is, her 55th birthday is on June 12

False, she actually is 47

Nobody knows that Meranda Robey…

wants to learn Mongolian and travel to Mongolia

has seen Deadpool 8 times thus far

has written 2 novels during high school

wants to be a librarian

Nobody knows that Ella Smith…

has taken a ceramics class for 3 years

has 22 guitars

is scared of microwaves

doesn’t know how to ride a bike



Good try…

You have a little bit of time to get to know the seniors before they graduate!

Getting better…

As Pink would say “You gotta get up and try.” Try again!


You know your senior class! Cue we are the champions

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