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Homecoming King feels honored

Homecoming King Trevor King poses with Queen Charlotte Prudhomme during the parade. PHOTO COURTESY OF TREVOR STEYN
Homecoming King Trevor King poses with Queen Charlotte Purnode during the parade. PHOTO COURTESY OF TREVOR STEYN


Being king isn’t an opportunity that comes for most, only for a rare few. It takes a special person to hold this responsibility, to really understand how to do all of these king like duties and Trevor Steyn does just that.

Being king has always been a dream of Steyn’s.

“Homecoming court has always been my dream,” Steyn said. “If I couldn’t be a king I was hoping to get prince or a jester.”

Steyn was one of the three people elected for Homecoming Court.

“I was really excited when I found out because I got elected with two of my best friends,” said Steyn. “I actually think Ashton bribed someone to get us on, though.”

Although he was elected with two of his closest friends, it was still a race, and a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.

“At first I didn’t actually think I was going to get it,” said Steyn. “I figured Christian McDermott would definitely win.”

But Steyn never gave up hope. He kept being his usual happy self and to his surprise, he won.

“I was very happy and honored that I could dance with such a beautiful queen, “said Steyn.

Having the honor of being king is a very special moment and can really change a person.

“I see now that fame really does change you because now that everyone knows me I am nothing like how I used to be,” Steyn said. “I basically rule the school.”

These feelings aren’t unusual for Steyn considering he is a king now and his life has changed dramatically. Being Homecoming King is a life changing experience and is something that can mold the pathway for someone’s future.

“I think being homecoming king will help me get used to the idea of being king so it won’t be so foreign when I am the king of America,” Steyn joked.

We all look forward to the day when Trevor Steyn rules America.

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