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2016 Club Fair kicks off the year

2016 Club Fair kicks off the year


The high school held it’s second annual Club Fair on Friday. The event, created to draw attention to the many clubs and extracurricular at the high school, was held outside on the track.

The Club Fair was introduced in the fall of 2015 as a way for clubs to grow in prominence of students become more familiar with activities and groups that they have available to them at the high school. The school clubs will be allowed to register to have a booth advocating for the group on the track that Friday.

Kenny Fisher, president of the Korean Club, noticed a positive effect from the first club fair.

“I things that club fair did get some more exposure,” Fisher said. “More people at least knew about it.” Fisher hoped to grow his club at the Fair. He even hoped to find someone to take over for him as president.

Some involvement in clubs and extracurricular is very prominent in the lives of students. According to principal Matt Durst some 85 to 95% of students are involved in some kind of extracurricular activity. The fair allows them to reach out and explore opportunities to further involve themselves with things that they enjoy.

“It let’s people kind of express who they want to be,” drama club member Haley Russell said. “It’s just an amazing social activity.”

Clubs offer students a stimulating social environment that is also safe and wholesome. The positive effects that the clubs have on student life extends beyond what is clear to see, according to.

“The more connected a student is to a school, the less likely they are to use illegal substances or engage in risky behavior,” Durst said, regarding the school’s high involvement rate. “I think that’s something we can all agree is a positive thing.”


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(BluePrints Photos/Dustin Braden)

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