As a little girl, Mrs. Chris Sattelmeyer never made Christmas cookies because her mother was a terrible baker.
Feeling like she missed out on that tradition, she made Christmas cookies with her daughter and son, now 33 and 36 years-old, when they were growing up. Now her daughter bakes and cooks for her.
She always had a real tree, though.
“My mother always put tinsel on the tree,” she said. “I always hated tinsel.”
Sattelmeyer said her favorite part of the holiday season is the snow and going to midnight mass even though she is an agnostic.
Her favorite Christmas present she received was when she was 8: a Smokey Joe gun and holster set, which she still owns.
When she was little she always opened stockings in the morning.
“I remember I would wake up in the middle of the night and would go down and pulled out a huge candy cane out of my stocking and would start to eat it,” Sattelmeyer said. “Today the stocking is the biggest thing for all of us because we pretty much have everything we want. We take a lot of time to find interesting and funny present for the stockings for each other.”
Although she doesn’t get to spend her Christmas holidays with her son every year, she still looks forward to the holiday season and the two weeks of break.