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OPINION: Why Parents Shouldn’t Be On Facebook


We all remember being about 11 or 12 years-old and first entering all of our personal information on Facebook for the whole world to access and utilize (but criticizing the Facebook privacy settings is a whole other discussion). Facebook came about in 2007 and included more features than the previous standard form of social media: MySpace.

Seven years later, though, Facebook has been overrun by people over the age of 30, including parents, grandparents and those weird uncles we’ve all lived our whole lives trying to forget about. These days it seems that every time you log in to your Facebook account you’re overwhelmed with notifications:

“Mom has added 607 photos of you in the album ‘Vacation 2003.’”

“Creepy Uncle has invited you to play ‘Super Kitten Pet Party 5.’”

“Cousin who lives 1000 miles away poked you.”

No one really knows why us teens abandoned the beloved site, but most would attribute it to their mothers.

“They (moms) find out everything from Facebook, and they do all that they can to embarrass us,” said senior Jett Nye, who has a notorious Facebook-loving mother.

“They love posting pictures five seconds after they take them and if they can find a way to embarrass you they will,” senior Tyler Thomas added. (And I can vouch for him as my mother is obsessed with posting pictures and status updates at the most random times).

My mom insists on taking and posting at least four photos each time there is someone at my house. It’s gotten to the point where I kindly ask her not to tag me in the pictures she will be sure to post soon after.

These days, we teenagers have moved from Facebook to Twitter, but it’s only a matter of time until another inevitable parent takeover occurs, and we’re forced to scavenge the Internet in search of a social media home for teenagers.

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