The district will be releasing a redesigned and district-wide Ace, along with the new logo and mission statement.
“This process began as a by-product of the re-branding process that resulted in the new mission of Learning for Life,” Superintendent Jeff Brown said. “As we started to engage in that conversation it became clear that we had a strong brand in the Ace, but the design of the Ace varied significantly – more than 200 versions throughout the district.”
By hiring Studio Freight-the same company that helped to re-imagine The Broadway Pub-the new Ace design was underway towards the end of the last school year.
“The process started in April and went through the summer and finished in August with a Board presentation on their recommendations,” Brown said. “Studio Freights process included leadership team interviews, student interviews, site interviews, and several work sessions with the administration.”
The board had previously budgeted money for this costly process this past school year. According to Brown, Studio Freight was able to significantly discount the work they did due to the fact that it was for a school.
“The contract was for $5,000,” Brown said. “The Board and Administration budgeted for this work to be completed in the 2016-1207 budget.”
Did you know we have a new Ace?
— Riley Vradenburg (@rvradenburgBP) September 6, 2017

The new Ace will slowly be incorporated to all of the school’s platforms.
“The new Ace will be used as a combination with the new logo and mission of Granville Schools.” Brown said. “As we replace visuals in the district and on digital platforms including the website, we will create consistency with the new Ace.”
The sports teams will also work towards the integration of the new Ace, although the Athletic Department will be phasing the new Ace into the sports uniforms.
“We will continue our uniform rotation and once things are finalized we will begin to make the change,” Athletic Director Kevin Jarrett said. “Possibly four to five years to run through the cycle.”
The new Ace will potentially be used throughout sports programs, but that is yet to be determined.
This process will begin with a soft release, according to Brown, first focusing on the website and the schools’ internet platforms, then focusing on incorporating it throughout the schools.
“We wanted to go through an intentional process to create a symbol that would endure with the creation of the new mission and logo.”