Spirit Week provides students with an opportunity to dress up in different fashions and show school spirit. The themes are often very creative, but still easy and broad enough to find an outfit.
If you have fun clothes that are never put to good use, or love a good excuse to browse the thrift stores, this would be the time to put those talents or fabrics into action. A lot of people do not participate because no one at school does, but if teachers, faculty and more students were to dress up, Spirit Week would be full of participation.
Homecoming Spirit Week is Sept. 19 through Sept. 22. The themes are Tourist, Western, Class Decade and Blue and White.
There are many spirit weeks throughout the school year, typically near a big event.
The themes are so broad that it is hard to think of something that does not fit within the boundaries. With themes that can be customized to someone’s wardrobe, each and every student should easily be able to participate.
The most important theme of the Homecoming spirit week is on Friday. Blue and White practically makes up half of everyone’s wardrobe, which also makes it the easiest to participate in. Anything blue, white or spirited can count, so every student should participate.
Everyone should participate in spirit week to show school spirit and pride.