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Flashback Friday: Rebecca Hirsh and her love for horses

Flashback Friday: Rebecca Hirsh and her love for horses


Being an equestrian has always been such a big part of Rebecca’s life that she decided she should include her horse, Tommy, in her senior photos.

Rebecca Hirsh has been riding horses since she was eight years old. She has always loved horses, but when she finally decided to become an equestrian, she asked to be signed up for lessons for her birthday.

“I was always really into horses, so I asked to be signed up for riding lessons one year for my birthday,” Hirsh said.

Since she has been riding horses, Rebecca has ridden hundreds of horses. However, she has had six horses that she has really stuck with for a longer period. Her most recent horse, Tommy, has been riding with Rebecca for a little over a year now.

“I love Tommy because he is so sassy, and has a lot of personality,” Hirsh said. “He is always so cute and genuine.”

Rebecca keeps her horse at a barn in Johnstown, and goes to ride and take care of him five times a week. When she goes to the barn, most days she just rides to give Tommy exercise and keep them both strong. One day a week, she meets with a trainer to have a lesson, who watches them jump and tells Rebecca and Tommy what needs more work.

“I enjoy working with the trainer because it helps me to improve,” Hirsh said. “Tommy is a very hard worker and you can tell he loves what he does because he is always so happy and wild when we are jumping high.”

Although she has been riding for ten years, she has only been competing for approximately five.

“I have competed all over Ohio, in Florida and in Kentucky,” Hirsh said.

Rebecca does not plan on continuing her equestrian career into college, but expects to dabble in riding for the rest of her life. She eventually would like to teach her children to ride her future horse.

“I hope to have a good horse when I am a mother so I can teach my children to ride because it is so much fun,” Hirsh said.

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