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Blue Ace Media

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The Student Voice of Granville High School

Blue Ace Media

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The Student Voice of Granville High School

Blue Ace Media

2016-17 OSMA Awards

Members of the BluePrints staff won 30 individual OSMA awards including 5 Superiors, 12 Excellents, and 13 Honorable Mentions.

Sam Dunham won an honorable mention for his personality profile on Chris Armstrong.

Anna Minton, Hannah Dear, Sydney Bednarski, and Ashlyn Brockway won an excellent for their in-depth team article “Helping for the Holidays.”

Morgan Prachar and Grace Montgomery won an excellent in news writing (2 reporters) for their story on Addiction.

Emma Naille won a superior in general feature for her story about Mrs. Smith.

Mackenna Finley won an honorable mention for her personality profile on Mr. Mullins.

Hannah Dear won an excellent for her news feature about self-defense.

Hannah Dear won an honorable mention for her news feature about Halloween.

Hannah Dear and Jordan Gummere won a superior for alternative copy for their story “15 Questions with Mr. Reding.”

Justin Thompson won an excellent in alternative copy for his fall sports quiz.

Carsten Savage won an honorable mention for his editorial on hidden perpetrators.

Mackenna Finley won an excellent for her commentary on derogatory language.

Megan Coffey won an honorable mention for commentary on AP courses.

Jake Purdy won an honorable mention for his sports story on Brooklyn Holthaus.

Emma Naille and Hannah Music won an honorable mention for their sports feature on the student section.

Morgan Prachar won an excellent in ad design for her Mai Chau ad.

Dustin Braden won an excellent for his news photo of Mr. Felder and his students.

Daniel Brnjic won an honorable mention for his feature page layout for a story about students stressing about exams.

Carsten Savage won an honorable mention in opinion page layout for his reader feedback page.

Hannah Dear won an excellent in facing pages layout for “15 Questions with Mr. Reding.”

Emma Naille won an excellent in facing pages layout for “The Year of E.B.”

Justin Thompson won an honorable mention in online interactivity for his turducken ThingLink. See it here:

Anna Minton won an honorable mention for her online news story on vandalism in the bathroom. See it here:

Hannah Dear won a superior for her online opinion story about homeschoolers. See it here: +

Ava Kunar won an excellent for her online sports story on the football season.

Megan Coffey won an honorable mention for her online news story on the Bruce Willis movie. See it here:

Ava Kunar won an excellent for her online opinion story about the death penalty. See it here:

Morgan Prachar won an excellent in online package for her article about Mrs. Cooper.

Carsten Savage won an honorable mention for his review of the HTC Vive.

Sam Dunham won a superior for his review of the Star Wars movies.

Hannah Dear won a superior for her first-person narrative “Christmas in China.”

Morgan Prachar won an honorable mention in the Day-of Photography Contest.

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