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Homecoming buzz begins

Homecoming King Trevor Steyn and Queen Charlotte Purnode at last year's Homecoming parade.
Homecoming King Trevor Steyn and Queen Charlotte Purnode at last year’s Homecoming parade.


The last full week of September is Spirit Week, and preparation for the Homecoming parade has created competition between classes. This year, each class has been tasked with creating a float based on a classic movie, with the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors being responsible for the “Sandlot,” “Jaws,” “Jurassic Park” and “Grease” floats, respectively.

Study hall supervisor Tiera Cramer oversaw the student council meeting that decided on the Homecoming floats’ theme. In addition, she helps set up the Homecoming pep rally each year.

According to Cramer, this year’s Homecoming is building up excitement throughout the school.

“I hear all of the kids talking about it,” she said.

Cramer said that she helped decide the fashion theme for each day of Spirit Week. Movie Day will be on Monday, with Preppy Day, Christmas in September, Pink Day and Blue and White Day following.

Cramer has her own prediction for the most popular day, saying that “a lot of people will participate in Preppy Day.”

“Everyone has preppy stuff,” she explained.

Though Cramer believes that all classes could construct impressive floats this year, she predicts that the seniors will be triumphant in the competition.

“It’s always seniors,” she admitted.

Student council member Will Sharp, a junior, affirmed that the students of his class have already started planning their Jurassic Park-themed float. Unlike Cramer, however, Sharp thinks that the juniors could break the seniors’ winning streak.

“Juniors are ready for a win,” he stated. “We’ve had success in the past, and we have good leadership.”

However, Sharp said that he was eager for more than just winning first prize.

“I’m looking forward to Blue and White Day on Friday,” he said.

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