Opinion: Racism against the new “Little Mermaid” is wrong


Lauren Logan

Disney has decided to make a new ‘Little Mermaid’ movie and it will be coming out May 26th of next year, 2023. Many people have realized the lead role, Ariel is being played by a black actor due to the trailer recently coming out. In the past, the Disney princess was a white woman, but the new actor is black in this film. Her name is Halle Bailey. Disney has received a lot of criticism for this because the actress is no longer a white woman. Many people also say that the original movie was very nostalgic for them, so for Disney to change the movie, is ruining their childhood memories. 

Personally, I am in full support of the new ‘Little Mermaid’ movie. I think that it is such a step forward in the film industry because we are including more diversity. Representation matters in film, especially for a young audience. These children that will go to see the movie will be so excited to see someone that looks like them. Growing up I remember the majority of movies and shows on TV only had white characters and actors. I can’t imagine how damaging that can be to people of color who don’t have anyone to look up to and find similarities with. I think that Disney is doing a good job by giving young black women someone to look up to in this movie, and making their childhood even better by having a black actress like the Disney princess, Ariel.

The reason people believe that Ariel should not be played by a black actor is that they say it will no longer be like the original. Many people are upset and feel that if Disney is going to make a new ‘Little Mermaid’ then the characters should follow the same guidelines.

The hate is getting extremely out of line, especially when an “online Twitter user used an AI to paint over Bailey’s face with that of a white redhead, and assured anxious “fans” that he would “correct” the full movie upon release”

People who are in opposition to the actor being played by a black woman believe so because they are inherently racist. Many people have left nasty comments on the youtube trailer for the movie, and it goes to show their hatred. We are in the 21st century and I feel like we have come a long way in our society. There are better things to worry about in 2022 that do not involve this movie. 

The actress, Halle Bailey, clearly did not have bad intentions by accepting the role. She does not deserve the hate she is getting and neither does Disney as a whole. They only had good intentions by being more inclusive with this movie, and I do not believe their goal was for more people to be upset.

A solution we can have to the racism that is being done towards the actress is to shut it down. We need to call people out for their actions and teach them that it is wrong. We also should praise Disney for the decision to cast a black actor, because the impact this will have on the black audience will be tremendous. We can’t let Disney back down and we should also encourage other film and tv companies to do the same. Include more representation and allow everyone to feel normal. Having the same color portrayed every time is so damaging and if we include representation it will have such a positive outcome. We need to stop the hate and just love everyone for who they are. There is no reason to hate.